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Quickstart Guide

To create a conversational agent that guides conversations with a user to achieve a certain goal and answers users question, you need to provide Genie with: - Worksheet: A high-level specification for guiding the conversation. Contains the tasks the agent can perform and knowledge sources available to the agent. - Configuration: An entry python file that defines configuration for the agent.

Creating a Worksheet

Our worksheet design is inspired by the versatility of webforms. Modern websites contain multiple fields which can be optional, tabs for selection of task, and pop-up windows that depend on previous user responses. There are two kinds of worksheets:

  • task worksheet: To guide the conversation and achieve goals
  • knowledge base worksheet: To answer users questions and assist them in making decisions.

Task Worksheet


Users perform different tasks based on their requirements. A student who is having trouble enrolling in a class would need to fill out a form containing details about the course they want to enroll in, the error message they are seeing, and any other additional comments and tasks like Leave of Absence are irrelevant to them. We need to make relevant worksheets available.

Worksheet Attributes

A task worksheet has the following attributes for a Task worksheet:

  • WS Predicate: indicates when a task worksheet should be activated based on values of other fields
  • WS Name: the name of the worksheet. Used by semantic parser.
  • WS Kind: Should be set to "Task". Defines that this is a Task type worksheet.
  • WS Actions: Genie provides flexibility to the agent by executing arbitrary Python code to call external APIs, change assigned values, or explicitly respond to the user with a given string using built-in actions like say. The actions are triggered when all the required parameters for a task are assigned and are defined under WS Actions.

WS Action examples Call external API to fetch information or post

Example for WS Action

Perform actions once the user has provided all the required information: If you want to book a restaurant, the agent will call the book_restaurant function.


Example for Field Action

Perform task based on value of a field: Once the user provides the value for confirm field, the agent will say "Thank you".

if self.confirm:
    say("Thank you")

Field Attributes

Each task worksheet contains a set of fields. Each field contains the following attributes:

  • Predicate: indicates when a field should be activated based on values of other fields
  • Kind: three types of fields can be used:
    • input: field values that are editable by the user
    • internal: field values that can only be edited by the agent
    • output: set according to the output of executing an API or knowledge base call
  • Types: Genie allows standard types for each field [TODO: We only use type of guide the semantic parsing, think of them as type hints]:
    • str: string type
    • bool: boolean type
    • int: integer type
    • float: float type
    • Enum: enumeration type. The values are set in Enum Values cells.
    • list: array of atomic types [TODO: Not implemented yet]
    • confirm: special type of boolean type, that prompts the user to confirm all the field values before performing WS action.
  • Name: Name of the field. Used by semantic parser.
  • Enum Values: a set of Enum Values if the type of the field is Enum
  • Description: provides a natural language description of the field.
  • Don't Ask: a boolean that records the information if the user offers it, but the agent will not ask for it. If Don't Ask is false, the agent will ask for the field if it is not assigned, but user can refuse to answer if it is not Required.
  • Required: if the field value is mandatory.
  • Confirmation: asks for confirmation for the field value if set to TRUE.
  • Actions: similar to WS Action, is used to execute python code to fetch, modify or post information.

Knowledge Access Worksheet

Genie Worksheet treats knowledge access as a first-class object.

Example for knowledge access

Real-life queries often involve both structured and unstructured accesses. For instance, queries “What’s the best-rated restaurant with a romantic atmosphere” require access to both the structured “ratings” column and the free text “reviews” column.

To handle hybrid knowledge bases, Genie adopts the SUQL query language, an SQL extension that integrates search of unstructured data (Liu et al., 2024d). Genie can be used with other knowledge access systems as well.

For each knowledge base to be included, the developer must create a worksheet with the following attributes:

  • WS Name: the name of the worksheet. Used by semantic parser.
  • WS Kind: Should be set to "KB". Defines that this is a Knowledge Base type worksheet.

The attributes for fields should be filled in as following:

  • Kind: should always be set as internal since the user cannot make changes to theses fields. Should also write primary if the field is a primary key as: internal; primary

Creating Agents

For creating the agent, we need to load configurations, and add prompts.

  1. First load the model configuration for different components of Genie Agent.

    from yaml import safe_load
    with open("model_config.yaml", "r") as f:
        model_config = safe_load(f)
  2. Define your Knowledge Sources. Right now Genie only supports SUQL knowledge base but in theory, Genie should work with all the knowledge bases. SUQL uses PostgreSQL. You should first create a database in PostgreSQL.

    from worksheets.knowledge import SUQLKnowledgeBase
    suql_knowledge = SUQLKnowledgeBase(
        llm_model_name="gpt-4o", # model name, append `azure/` or `together/` for azure and together models.
            "restaurants": "_id", # table name and primary key
        database_name="restaurants", # database name
        embedding_server_address="",  # embedding server address for free text type of KB Worksheet
            "course_assistant_general_info.txt": os.path.join(
                current_dir, "course_assistant_general_info.txt"
            ) # mapping of free-text files with the path
        db_host="", # database host (defaults)
        db_port="5432", # database port (defaults)
        postprocessing_fn=None,  # optional postprocessing function for SUQL query
        result_postprocessing_fn=None,  # optional result postprocessing function should return a dictionary
    • Postprocessing function is used to modify the SUQL query before it is executed. For example, using suql.agent.postprocess_suql to hardcode the limit of the query to 3 and converting the location to longitude and latitude.
    • Result postprocessing function is used to clean up the result of the knowledge base call and return a dictionary. For example, if the knowledge base returns a list of restaurants, with 100s of columns, a function can be used to filter the required columns and return a dictionary.
  3. Define your Knowledge Parser. Genie supports two types of semnatic parser for knowledge bases. React Multi-Agent Parser and a Simple LLM Parser.

    Features React Agent Simple LLM Parser
    Speed Slower Faster
    Accuracy Better Accuracy Worse
    Needs Examples No Yes

    Defining a React Multi Agent Parser

    from worksheets.knowledge import SUQLReActParser
    suql_react_parser = SUQLReActParser(
        llm_model_name="azure/gpt-4o",  # model name
        example_path=os.path.join(current_dir, "examples.txt"),  # path to examples
        instruction_path=os.path.join(current_dir, "instructions.txt"),  # path to domain-specific instructions
        table_schema_path=os.path.join(current_dir, "table_schema.txt"),  # path to table schema
        knowledge=suql_knowledge,  # previously defined knowledge source

    Defining a Simple LLM Parser

    from worksheets.knowledge import SUQLParser
    suql_parser = SUQLParser(
        prompt_selector=None,  # optional function that helps in selecting the right prompt
  4. Bringing everything together

    from worksheets.agent import Agent
    restaurant_bot = Agent(
        botname="YelpBot",  # Name of your agent
        description="You an assistant at Yelp and help users with all their queries related to booking a restaurant. You can search for restaurants, ask me anything about the restaurant and book a table.",
        prompt_dir=prompt_dir,  # directory for prompts
        starting_prompt="""Hello! I'm YelpBot. I'm here to help you find and book restaurants in four bay area cities **San Francisco, Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, and Cupertino**. What would you like to do?""",
        args={},  # additional arguments
        api=[book_restaurant_yelp],  # optional API functions
        knowledge_base=suql_knowledge,  # previously defined knowledge source
        knowledge_parser=suql_parser,  # previously defined knowledge parser
    ).load_from_gsheet(gsheet_id="ADD YOUR SPREADSHEET ID HERE",)

    The Genie Agent uses two prompts:

    • Semantic Parsing Prompt: This is used to generate worksheet representation of the user's query. The prompt directory should contain the semantic_parser.prompt file.
    • Response Generator Prompt: This is used to generate the response of the agent based on the worksheet representation and generated agent acts. The prompt directory should contain the response_generator.prompt file.

    Checkout how to create prompts in the prompt section.

  5. Finally use the converation_loop funcion to run the agent

    from asyncio import run
    from worksheets.interface_utils import conversation_loop, output_state_path="yelp_bot.json"))

    Example agents are present in experiments/agents/ directory. You can use them as a reference to create your own agents.